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Friday, September 12, 2014

French Drain in Edmond Oklahoma

Edmond Oklahoma has been the location for many French Drain Installations for CMG in the past several years.  Recently we ripped out an old Surface Drain that was under a deck.  The Surface Drain was too small for the job and did not Protect the Foundation from Standing Water.  The First step was to take out part of the deck along the wall.  Next we took out the Surface Drain and the Three Inch Pipe which was too small.  Digging a trench along the foundation came next.  We had to ensure the, "Fall" to make sure the water would run from left to right.  Next a French Drain Liner needed to be installed.  This was necessary to maintain the integrity of the trench and to keep the French Drain Pipe from filling up with sand and getting clogged over the next few years.  CMG then installed 4 inch ADS Perf/Soc French Drain Pipe along the course of the French Drain.  Next we connected the end of the French Drain Pipe to Solid 4 Inch ADS Drain pipe to continue along the trench to the Pop-Up Emitter at the Exit Point.
Running Drain Pipe across Front Yard for a French Drain
Running Drain Pipe across Front Yard for a French Drain
A good Drainage System has a point where water enters the System.  This is usually through a French Drain, Surface Drain, or a Gutter Down Spout that is connected into a Drain Pipe.   Water will run through either Perforated French Drain Pipe or Solid Drain Pipe depending on the Drainage System Design.  Water will flow down hill to an Exit Point where the water will be released out of the Drainage System.  This is a done through a Pop-Up Emitter or a Curb Fitting.
Cutting The Curb and Installing Curb Fitting for French Drain
Cutting The Curb and Installing Curb Fitting for French Drain
Photos of French Drains -
Photos of Surface Drains -
Photos of Channel Drains
Photos of Sprinkler System Installation -Photos of Sprinkler Repair -

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